Lebanon First Church of Nazarene, Nazarene church in Lebanon Tn

Lebanon First Church of the Nazarene
What in the World is a Nazarene?
The term Nazarene goes much deeper than simply the name of a denomination. Jesus Christ took on flesh to bring hope to mankind. His earthly parents, Joseph and Mary, raised Him in Nazareth. Some questioned whether or not anything good could ever come our of Nazareth. But that is where Jesus, the Son of God.... the Nazarene, grew up.
Following the Civil War, the not-so-United States experienced a period of history marked by social, political, economic, and religious unrest. Yet God began to stir the hearts of Christians in various places all around the United States. These believers enjoyed the assurance of salvation through faith in Christ, who surrendered His life in our place by crucifixion on an old rugged cross. Somehow, God lovingly drew them to surrender not only their sins but also their very hearts. God sanctified their hearts, bringing them into a deeper walk with Him. Walls that divided other states no longer divided them. These various believers eventually joined together in 1908 to form the Church of the Nazarene.
Our Local church exists to share God's wonderful plan of salvation to all we can reach, from those in our neighborhood to those around the world. The Church of the Nazarene now has missionaries in 159 world areas. We seek to have a heart of compassion that our Lord Jesus showed when He walked among men. We celebrate the scriptural call to "be holy" in 1 Peter 1:15-16. "Holiness" refers to a definite work of the Holy Spirit freeing the believer from the grip of sin, giving him power to live and love in a way that pleases God. This is accomplished by the abiding Presence and transforming power of the Holy Spirit. We partner with other churches in the area to be part of the Body of Christ where we are.
This local church began ministry in 1918 and plans to continue ministering in the Name of our Lord Jesus, the Nazarene, until He returns for His church.